No I haven't died and to prove it here is a picture of one of the most special parts of our trip to the states so far. That is my granddaughter Kylie whom I've just met for the first time. We have been busy jetting around the US visiting friends and family as you know and access to the internet has been sparse at best. As I don't own a laptop I have not been able to make on going post. Even if I owned one I would not have lugged it around during this trip. I will have lots to tell when we get settled back in Hobart. I will say that we have had some great times along with a few bumps. I'll explain all later...
Presently we are in New York state and we leave for our second visit to San Fran tomorrow before heading back to Australia on Friday late. We don't arrive back in Tassie until Sunday afternoon due to the time difference. Holidays are great but towards the end it's time to go home.....