Hi Dee Ho all of you other 12 of 12ers and also to the few viewers that happen to stumble upon this blog or those few who do continue to follow my few postings. Anyway, after that long introduction here we are with another submission of photos for the event called 12 of 12. Now this this event was the brain child of this man. The basics of this monthly event is to take pictures throughout your day on the 12 day of every month and post them for all to see. Originally the photos were supposed to show the time of each picture was taken, along with a short explanation about the photo. I have to admit I have changed my event slightly. I do post my photos in the order in which I took them and I do offer a small explanation but I don't add a time nor I take the pictures throughout my day. generally I take my photos in a time frame of when I that I am able to find the time to take a set of photos. Okay once again I have become long winded. With my explanations as well as making grammatically in correct ling sentences. So here we go with this months 12 of 12 I went with a theme last month and I have done the same with month's. Well sort of as this month it's all about colour. Enjoy...

I have no idea what this is plant, but it is some type of a grass used in may of the gardens around the neighbourhood.
Not unlike many places that get very hot during summer; we have crepe myrtles that. this plant grow. well in the dry and/or humid environments.
This picture come from the neighbourhood flower seller and the colours are brilliant not to mention the roses are pretty.

A mixture of flowers from the market which once again provide lovely colour.

I just love sunflowers and I also a fan of the seeds.
Another flower I am not sure what they are called but I think by the looks of them the are some type of mum. I did find out that this is the natural colour of this flower.
Did you know that the lovely gerber daisy are related to the sunflower family and that they originated in Africa?
Who doesn't love a lovely tulip? Do you get the idea I got stuck at the flower market? What can I say? I'm mot sure that all of these count as an acceptable set of 12 of 12 photos but this what I am offering.
Okay, I've move away from the flower market and took this picture of a native flower here in Australia. The flower is a bottle brush and they like to call it a Christmas bottle brush due to as you can see the read flower. they also have white ones that also come out around Christmas.
This flower did not give us much un the way of colour. Maybe the reason it is so dull is because it is actually a weed.
Another flower that I don't know the name of, but I thought it was pretty. What do you think?
And finally, I flower that is growing in our garden and I can't remember the name of the damn. I know it starts with a "P". It is on the tip of my tongue and is just won't come to me. Maybe it will later. Well, as I said I hope you enjoyed the photos and I'll see you next month. I hope I can take a better assortment of pictures. See ya'
Well, that's all I have for this months. I hope you enjoyed my photos this month. I know that there are a lot of pictures from the flower seller near the house but I just could not help myself with all of the colour that was provided from the flowers that we have available during the summer months. See you next month with maybe another post in between the 12 of 12 entries...