....rather you're having fun or not. As some of you might know, we have recently, for the past 3 months, have been relatively homeless as we wait for our current tenants to move out of our place in the city. Due to this displacement it has been very difficult for me to keeps tabs on this blog. Hell who am I kidding, I had trouble keeping tabs with the blog even when I did have a place to plug in our computer. Regardless, I am happy to announce that if all goes well that by the beginning of next week we should have a new place to call home. That's right the tenants are in the process of moving out as I type and as it stands we have the movers scheduled to move our stuff out of storage and into our place on Friday. I'm hoping that after everything settles I will be able to focus on this blog and most definitely be able to get back into my 12 of 12 photos. So, all I can say is fingers crossed and watch this space as it should be showtime all over again in the next coming days. Until then take care and stay out of trouble...