This is part of a permanent art installation these tiles cover an entire building. All of the tiles contain different messages relating to the gay and lesbian community.

Like the above mentioned art installation this light post sits in front of the building.
An interesting sculpture sitting in the park in the city.

Another piece of art work within the park.
We may be in the middle of winter but that doesn't mean we can't have a little colour along side the cold temperatures and rainy days.
I don't know how old this sign is but I thought it was interesting sitting on top of one of the main tunnels leading to the city subways/trains.
Another form of transportation in the middle of the city. We need more of these in the city and less cars.
The top of the QVB (Queen Victoria Building) which is a lovely three story shopping mall. One of several shopping malls in downtown Sydney.
The interior of the QVB building, this picture doesn't do the building justice and unfortunately you have to actually physically see the building to take it all in in it's entirety to thoroughly enjoy it.

One of hundreds of sculptured mouldings that cover many of the older building in the city.
It's lunch time and a very busy city as we all sramble to get our food and do it all in a half an hour.
It may be cold but kids just don't seem to feel it an this one is having too much fun in this fountain.
That's all of the pictures for this month. I hope you enjoyed looking at them. Come around next month and see what else I can find to show you.