12 June 2007

Reading is fundamental

As winter sets in here in the land down under it seems to be the most logical time to get in some good reading time. It's a bit cold to go outside and nothing is nicer then curling up on the couch with a good book. I've always liked to read and sometimes I would read for days on end. Then other times I get easily distracted or maybe the book just isn't that great. Anyway, I thought I would share some of my most recent reads along with my current read and those to be read. So without further adieu, my current reading material is:

Mississippi Sissy by Kevin Sessums

Recent reads have included:

Books still to be read include but not limited to:

So, there you have it, quite a menagerie of reading material but I like to keep it all over the shop. I like everything from pure fantasy, thought provoking things, just plain good reads and good old true stories. It also looks like I have a lot of books on my shelves So, I best get reading! What have you read lately, currently reading or plan on reading?

(I linked all of the books in case you might be interested in finding out more not because I think you should buy them from Amazon)

1 comment:

A Lewis said...

I'm in the middle of Running With Scissors. Talk about dark...and funny. I don't think I've read a "normal" chapter or scene yet.