This my first 12 of 12 and I hope I am doing this correctly. I printed a set of rules from the originator of this idea. I actually saw this first on this guys blog. I will say that this post is extremely labour intensive but in the end it was fun .This isn't going to be the most exciting 12 of 12 but I'm sure the next one will be better and then the next better yet. Anyway, off you go and have a look at my 12 of 12 for March
5:09 am
As you can tell by the time it is almost 10 past 5 in the morning. I'm actually 9 minutes late. I wake up every morning at 5:00 am on the dot. I'm not sure why, except that the one constant that occurs at 5:00 also is the pain in my feet from my peripheral neuropathy. The pain medicine I take is slow release over 12 hours and the last dose was at 5 pm the night before. So, I get up take my medicine and feed the cat. Thta is how my day begins.

5:15 am
Next up it's time for my tablets especially those ever so present pain pills for my feet. Down the hatch! p.s. sorry about the blurry shot but is early after all so my eyes are blurry too.

5:28 pm
Trying to catch up on the blogs I follow I'm pretty good and try to read as many as I can and believe me I follow quite a few.

7:00 am
I get ready to start the day with a nice bowl a cereal. It's nutritious and well balanced. I usually put fresh blueberries but I didn't have any. I got some later in the day so I'll have them tomorrow.

11:01 am
The gardener stopped by today to do a bit of weeding and general lawn maintenance. Okay, it's not the gardener it's only the hubby tending to the garden. Please, I'm unemployed how could we afford a gardener. He likes gardening, and planting and I like cutting and taking pictures of the flowers and other things that he turns green. the only time I need to buy flowers for the house is in the winter.

11:03 am
I was out in the garden and look what I found. This was amongst a group of solid red dahlias. It just goes to show that the bumble bees are doing their job.

11:07 am
This is a New Zealand weather indicator sent to us from a dear friend, who lives in NZ. How the thing works is; you go outside and look at the bird, if it's dry like it was today ithat means it's not raining and if it's bright and lit up then it's sunny outside. Last but not least, it was not moving (take my word for it) so that meant the winds were calm. I believe you can figure out how the rest of the weather is indicated by this marvel of technology, if not email me and I'll let you know how it works in reply.

5:09 am
As you can tell by the time it is almost 10 past 5 in the morning. I'm actually 9 minutes late. I wake up every morning at 5:00 am on the dot. I'm not sure why, except that the one constant that occurs at 5:00 also is the pain in my feet from my peripheral neuropathy. The pain medicine I take is slow release over 12 hours and the last dose was at 5 pm the night before. So, I get up take my medicine and feed the cat. Thta is how my day begins.

5:15 am
Next up it's time for my tablets especially those ever so present pain pills for my feet. Down the hatch! p.s. sorry about the blurry shot but is early after all so my eyes are blurry too.

5:28 pm
Trying to catch up on the blogs I follow I'm pretty good and try to read as many as I can and believe me I follow quite a few.

7:00 am
I get ready to start the day with a nice bowl a cereal. It's nutritious and well balanced. I usually put fresh blueberries but I didn't have any. I got some later in the day so I'll have them tomorrow.

11:01 am
The gardener stopped by today to do a bit of weeding and general lawn maintenance. Okay, it's not the gardener it's only the hubby tending to the garden. Please, I'm unemployed how could we afford a gardener. He likes gardening, and planting and I like cutting and taking pictures of the flowers and other things that he turns green. the only time I need to buy flowers for the house is in the winter.

11:03 am
I was out in the garden and look what I found. This was amongst a group of solid red dahlias. It just goes to show that the bumble bees are doing their job.

11:07 am
This is a New Zealand weather indicator sent to us from a dear friend, who lives in NZ. How the thing works is; you go outside and look at the bird, if it's dry like it was today ithat means it's not raining and if it's bright and lit up then it's sunny outside. Last but not least, it was not moving (take my word for it) so that meant the winds were calm. I believe you can figure out how the rest of the weather is indicated by this marvel of technology, if not email me and I'll let you know how it works in reply.
11:52 am
I have a new mobile phone. I had the old one for two years, which is not all that long, but I've hated it ever since I bought it. I ordered the old one on-line from my service provider here in the land of Oz and I should have known better. Just like clothes you need to see the subject matter live and feel it, test it out and just plain give it the once over. So, I didn't on the last one and I did on the new one with a much better outcome. It is a touch screen phone just like an iPhone but at a much cheaper cost to my wallet.
2:02 pm
It seems like we always have laundry to do. The upside is that we very rarely use the dryer to dry anything and I love the fresh clean smell from drying the clothes outside in the sun, breeze and fresh air.
4:20 pm
4:22 pm She either fell asleep from waiting so long for me to get her dinner to her or she just really likes getting into her meal.
7:30 pm
Finally, my dinner is on the stove. When it finishes, I'll eat it, watch some telly and then off to bed with me, such is my life currently. Hopefully a job will find it's way to me and my days will become exciting once more. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my first 12 of 12 and we'll see what happens next month. Enjoy...
(Update: I just fixed the layout of some of the photos and text that were not in line. I didn't check the entire post last night before I hit publish and I should have but it was midnight so give me a break)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE clothes hanging on the line to dry -- in spite of the fact that I haven't seen it since my childhood. In fact, I think you're the only person I know today who still does it.
I forgot to say that my mother would hang the close out year round....even in the winter, in the snow! They would freeze dry!
How nice that you can hang laundry out. I'm glad you're posting. I look forward to seeing your pictures next month. The dahlia is awesome!!
The cat falling asleep *snicker*.
But 5:00am, dude? That oughtta be illegal...I am NOT a morning person at all!
thanks for sharing!
Welcome to 12 of 12, great photos and lovely to see some sunny weather. A beautiful cat, and she looks to be in charge! Thanks for sharing your day and look forward to seeing your pictures next month.
Thanks for sharing your day via pictures with us. I forgot momentarily where you were located on the globe when I saw the flower picture. Bumblebees? None of those around here right now, lol.
Welcome to 12! It's like joining a cult, but you get to see inside everyone's house.
I love the weather indicator! I think I might need one just like it :)
I have also only recently begun to participate in 12 of 12 and I love it.
I am jealous of your drying laundry.
a warm (wintery) welcome to the club from the other side of the world! Eliane, living in Ireland but working in Munich (Germany) this week.
Nice photos! Love the one of the cat showing teeth!
I keep meaning to do this, too. But I *always* forget. I should put a reminder in my calendar.
Hey, it was great meeting you and your hubby while we were in your beautiful city. Mark & I look forward to catching up when you are next in Sydney.
Way too cool! So glad that the Weather Kiwi is doing his job! GRIN!
What a fun and colorful day. Thanks for sharing it with us.
dear me
I put down blogging for a day or two and all heck breaks loose here - I have to stand in line too!
That weather indicator is suspect, somebody is having a good laugh somewhere in NZ.
Really nice photos. I enjoyed your day. And with biology being one of my majors in school I really like the picture of the flower :D Thanks for sharing.
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