Well it's been a really long time between posts but I'm still kicking. For those of you who still keep tabs on me, I thank you for sticking with me not only when I'm posting the most boring post ever but also when I get to regal you with my amateur photography. I think I said a few months ago that this is probably going to end up being a photo blog. I just don't seem to have the time to sit down and type something and then at the same time make it interesting. At least with my pictures I can amuse you with a little colour.
Anyway, here are this months 12 of 12 photos. I took all of these shots within five minutes walking distance from my house. I live in a very beautiful part of the world and I know that I am so very lucky to be able to enjoy what the world has to offer right outside my doorstep. I must mention that 12 of 12 would not be possible if not for this man. Check out his blog and you can also check out some of the other blogger's photos that participate in 12 of 12. Enjoy....

Right outside our front door. They are usually more colourful but since we are officially into our winter months a lot of things don't flower as much, but the pots are nice.
The other side of our front door...
Even though there are no blooms right out side our front door. I can always find things like this hibiscus blooming in our garden pretty much year round. We also have orange, yellow and deep red ones
Mr Frog sits at the entrance of one of the small rest and relaxation garden. We basically have three garden spaces two up front and then the backyard pool area. This one is made up of ferns and lots of shade but also very airy. It' a nice place to sit on a hot afternoon.
Just an interesting plant that suddenly bloomed theses little cluster of greenish flowers. I just think it looks nice against the fence, but to each his own...
A nice place to sit and relax with an angel to keep you company
Just one of many thousand palm trees around but this one is really old and as you can see vey big.
In December 1914, Duke Kahanamoku, the world sprint swimming champion, was touring Australia. He selected timber from a Sydney firm to fashion a board modelled on those used in his native Hawaii, and during a demonstration to the press, introduced surf board riding to Australia at Freshwater Beach (This is where I live) on Thursday 24 December. It was the first recorded time that anyone had surfed the clean waves beyond the break in Australian waters using this Hawaiian-style surfing technique.
It was so popular that a second spur of the moment demonstration was given on a Sunday in January 1915. Duke topped the performance by taking a local young girl, Isabel Letham on the board with him to surf the waves. Isabel went on to become a pioneer of Australian surfing. The board has been kept in a display in the Freshwater Surf Club since 1952. There is now a statue of Kahanamoku on the headland at Freshwater.
The big building used to be an old monastery and then it was an all boys catholic school and now it is a culinary school.
A bottle brush
There's always someone trying to get in a little surfing
...and there is always or almost always someone fishing off the rocks around the beach. Every year they have at least one person who gets caught up in a sudden swell and the get knocked off the feet and they get swept ot into the water. Here's hoping this guy can swim...