...I just can't believe that the the year is almost over. I mean it seems like it was only yesterday that we moved back up to Sydney and that was in January. I just don't understand it. Maybe in some small way as we get older we become more aware of time where as when we were younger time was quite irrelevant. Anyway, it really doesn't much matter because like it or not faster or slower time will keep moving on and I will just go along as I always do.
With that said I just wanted to check-in. I know I basically use this blog as a photo blog now and then only for 12 of 12. I'm sorry to say that 12 of 12 will end at the end of the year. The man responsible for creating the concept behind 12 of 12, no longer wants to keep up with the program and as such will stop it at end of year. The last 12 of 12 will be in December. Now there is nothing saying that I can't do 12 of 12 on my own, it just wouldn't be linked to the other 50 some odd other people that participate each month. I will say that I have made a few new friends since I started doing 12 of 12 and I would hate to lose sight of them. They are all very nice, funny and kind in their own way. They are also very good photographers and I will miss seeing their pictures every month. So what all this grizzling is coming done to is this; where should I go from here once 12 of 12 finishes?
Yes, as I said I could do 12 of 12 anyway. I could start my own version and call it like I did last month 17 on 14 but that just seems like a copy cat version of the original and as such not very original. I'm not sure I could trust myself to just put up photos when I take them because I'm not that disciplined, which is a problem all unto itself. I liked having 12 of 12 as it was a project I HAD TO DO each month. Left to my own devices it could not bode as well. So as I said if there is anybody still out there reading this tripe and if they would like me to perform like a circus elephant then just leave me a idea in the comments or send me an email for those of you that have my email and we shall see what we can come up with and go from there. I will say that I may have one new project on the burner I'll let you know how that goes shortly. Until then take care, stay safe and enjoy..life that is as it way to short...