20 April 2006

It was 20 years ago today...

It's my anniversary! Twenty years ago today I received news that would change my life. It was on this day all those years ago that I was told that I was HIV positive. So much has happened since that day. I never thought I would be here today having lived to see and do the things that I have done and watched other people suffer through but I have and my life has come almost full circle. I've seen death and even at times wished for death itself. I've seen amazing strength in so many people. I've said it before "I don't know why I'm still here, but there must be a reason" That reason is beyond me and I've slowly begun to accept that fact and just tried to get on with what life deals out for me. I'm very content at where I stand now twenty years on and I believe now that I will get to see the future that was a one point 20 years ago ripped out of my hands. So to me I say "Happy Anniversary!" and here's to 20 more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm a few days late.

I think it's a testament to others out there. Twenty years with this disease is a milestone.

Here's to many more.