26 August 2006

Universal flux...

It seems the world, or at least my world is in total flux. Let's take a look shall we...

1) James mum has just gone through surgery for bowel cancer and is about to start a 12 week course of Chemotherapy.

2) My dad has been in ICU for two weeks and is basically on the brink of death and because I live on the other side of the world I feel helpless.

3) We had to put our cat Max down a week ago because he had feline perotonitis, which he apparently had for some time and we failed to see the signs.

4) I started a new medication that is supposed to help offset the pain in my feet related to peripheral neuropathy. It took my 8 weeks two get up to the full dose of 8 pills a day added to my already 8 pills a day so I now am taking 16 pills and the damn new pills aren't working sufficiently enough for me to stop taking the pain medication (oxycontin it's like percodan) that I had to start taking, So now I have to go on therapeutic pain management and it will probably be for life. Great! (not really because I hate walking around in a haze)

5) As I said my dad is very sick and could die at any moment and because I'm on the other side of the world I'm in a quandary as to what I will do when the phone call comes...and it will. You see I've just gotten my Australian citizenship approved and I have to go to a swearing in ceremony on the 17th September. I HAVE to attend the ceremony or I don't get my citizenship. I don't know what Im going to do!

7) James went to Sydney last week to visit with his mum before she starts her chemo and while he was there he did his taxes. Come to find out we now have a $140,000 tax bill because we sold one of the houses we owned in Sydney. BTW we don't have that kind of money sitting in the bank. Just kill me now!

6) And last but not least...I find out that some bright, intelligent astronomy types have decide to take Planet status away from Pluto just because it's to far away for them to bother..What the hell is up with that? (Ok this last one is not such a big deal but for some reason it just gets to me)

So lets look at the positive.

1) I got my citizenship approved (it only took 8 years and a lot of mental angst on James's and my part)

2) I just found out two of our best friends in the world are planning a trip to visit us in February and that makes me feel good.

HMMM??? 2 against 6, I guess it's a 30% percent trade off and if you factor in that Jimmie loves me well it's not too bad. However..... Well lets just say life is way out of focus at the moment.

I feel a bit better... Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have peripheral neuropathy and the most help I have found is with accupuncture. It restored my balance and I no longer have to use a cane. I do still have pain and numbness but less. Just restoring the balance and keeping me out of a wheelchair is a godsend! Hope you find some relief. Brenda Hicks in Costa Rica