For those of you old enough to remember the title reference is related to a very old Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song but for the kiddies who don't remember don't worry to much about it. Instead think about it as what we are doing this weekend. What's that you say... We are going to the bi-annual Wooden Boat Festival.

The festival is only on for the weekend on it is quite the site. The entire dock area is cleared of all boats that normal dock there and are replaced with wooden boats from around the world. Some are very old like the old tall ships. The craftsmanship is just spectacular. These boats were made to last and you can tell the love, hard work and over-all craftsmanship that is put into every inch of these boats. Anyway, I'll try to take a few pictures of the best ones and maybe even post one or two to share. Other than that it's been a slow week here with James in Sydney finishing a course in Critical Care. (It's a post graduate certificate that he can apply to his Emergency Room work). If you want to read more about the festival go here. OK, over and out for now...
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