While living in Sydney we occasionally saw a ringtail possum in Hyde Park. We currently have two that we know of that love to come into our back yard. I also think that they may the ones that our cat Molly may ne tussling with. I hope not because she will loose. So, one of them was in the backyard last night and in her attempt to climb up our Japanese Maple she knocked over the spot light we have to highlight the tree at night. I only knew she was out there because the light had moved. So we went out with a torch (flash light to the Americans) and sure enough she was at the very top of the tree munching away on the leaves. Now I'm not thrilled that she is eating the new foliage on the tree, but I understand the temptation, after all it is early spring and all of the new growth is young and tender. I don't think she will eat much or at least I hope not. The reason I know it's a she is because she had a baby she carried on her back last year and it's not the baby grown up because it is not as big as this one yet. Anyway, I just thought I'd share a picture with you it was hard to get a picture in the dark but hopefully you can just make her out. you can see her eyes shining in the upper right coner. Enjoy...

Oh yeah, I can see her!
I still stop and gawk at Australian opossums, even though the Aussies I know give me a hard time about it. It's like squirrels back home, I guess...cute vermin.
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