Well. Christmas is officially done and over here in the land down under and we are now into the day after post season sales for the second day. We also celebrated Boxing Day while you were just celebrating Christmas so I guess you can say we also were are still celebrating Christmas but not the official big day as it had truly come and gone.
We had a nice Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at a fiends house with about 10 other people have a lovely buffet type dinner. There were a few laughs, a few pictures and even a few presents exchanged. All in all a good time was had by all parties present. We left and got home around midnight and we would have opened presents then as we do on many occasions but we were tired and my feet were really hurting so we decided to put off presents until the morning.
We slept in a bit on Christmas morning or should I say James slept in as I'm never able to sleep in because my feet start acting up early like around 5:00 every morning so I get up and take my pain medicine. Once I'm up I stay up because I can't get back to sleep. Anyway, after James got up we opened presents. It was supposed to be a slim Christmas and rightfully so seeing that we are spending so much money on the renovations doing done to the house, not to mention the new iMac. I hadn't planned or expected that there would be any other gifts this year. I would have been and still am happy with just those things. At the same time I couldn't let Christmas morning go by with out any presents even if it was a small one. So, I couldn't help myself and got James two boxed sets of DVD's he wanted. They were nothing special but it was a little something.
James apparently thought like I did and presented me with what he called a little something. Well a little something turned out to be a big something (as I type this, if I was the kind of person whose mind goes easily into the gutter, well you know what I mean) Anyway, back to where I was oh yes James' big little something. James bought me a tea light holder made by Bernardaud. I have looked at these forever and would love to collect several but they are a bit pricey so this one will do just fine. The holders are not listed on the site but can be purchased at any store that carries fine china etc. I'm not sure, they may even be a specific collection made by the company but sold through someone else as the booklet that came with the box list numbers to call in the USA for additional product information. All I know is I got one and I love it. I've taken a picture of the holder but it does not do it justice. You have to see it with the candle burning because it's like they carve a reverse print on the outside and it only shows up with light coming from the inside. The bad part is I'm afraid to burn it even though it came with a tea light. Maybe I will and maybe I won't. Oh hell who am I kidding I'll do it at least once just like everything else in my life. Says a lot doesn't it. Anyway, here's the picture.

James also bought me some glasses that I have looked at for 3 years and once again never really thought I would ever get them because they were also way to expensive in light of what we were currently spending and I really did not think he needed to do such a thing. These hand blown glasses are from the same man that made the trysting glasses James bought me a few years ago for my birthday. The trysting glasses are a rose colour but at the time that James bought them for me there was now other colour to choose from other than clear. The new glasses that James bought me are in cobalt blue. What's odd about the glasses is that the actual stems sit in a separate base. You maybe able to see it in the pictures. I just think they are not only beautiful but just so different. With the addition of these glasses I now have a total of 3 items from this particular artisan. I've taken pictures of the the other item I have now in addition to the new glasses and the old glasses mentioned in the previous post.
These next items are called Whipping Tops and they will actually spin like a top but I'm not comfortable doing such in case the accidentally break as things do.
Anyway, how was your Christmas? Did you have a day with friends and family. Are you making plans for New Years Eve. We're not making plans for New Years Eve as James has to work and besides I think the first part of our holidays has been plenty exciting. All I can say is my Christmas couldn't have been better. I hope you got everything and more this Christmas.
Beautiful gifts. I can't ever think to burn candles and rarely want to do anything to generate more heat. I love the glasses. I cheated and always look for/at pictures first then read the post. I was expecting a sob story of how one of the glasses were broken so now I love them more knowing all the details. Glad you had a great one. Mine was pleasant enough.
i had a lovely quiet christmas
my NYE plans i posted today or so
i hope you two have a peaceful new year in 2008
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