A fellow blogger over at Rambling Along with a Stern Point of View runs a challenge each June correlating with Gay Pride month. Now even though I no longer live in the states I am still an American and I also believe in equality. So, from way over here in the land down under I throw my support behind Kelly and all the other people living in the US and for that matter around the world who should never have to be ashamed of who they are nor should they ever be made to feel that they are any less than any other individual. Every one should be treated equally and fairly. So this is for all of you, Kelly, my partner and myself.

We have come along way,
but still have a long way to go.
Thanks to all those who have paved the way,
Some even gave their lives...
Keep their fight alive...
We won't forget!!
I know it is June when I see Kelly posting his flag!
Thanks for taking part in the challenge... I do appreciate it soo much
TJ: I lost the link to your blog when my 'puter crashed last year...
Glad you posted Kel's photo again, also wanted you to know my biological father surfaced last year, he is also in Tasmania...
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