Well I may have missed 12 of 12 this month but I hope I've made up with this batch of photos. I took 216 photos and I brought it down to these 17 choices. I hope you enjoy them and I will try to be much more diligent when it comes to remembering next month's 12 of 12. Until then enjoy...

The one of many water themed pictures from today. This is a quaint little fountain that sits inside a small reflection garden in the middle of the city
This is part of a glass door that acts as a barrier to the inner doors of the local war memorial. Not that I'm big on war but her in Australia it seems that every major city has a rather large war memorial. Regardless if you are for war or not they are still architecturally beautiful. Can you spot the important subtlety in the glass work?
One of the many figures carved out of sandstone that adorns the memorial
Just a bit of lovely sweet and delicate wisteria.
I just liked the way the sunlight lit up the leaves of this plant.

As I said there is a bit of a water theme in these pictures. This fountain is one of two that are part of an esplanade that sits in front of Saint Mary's cathedral in the city.
The second fountain part of a reflecting pool which also occasionally has water spouts, that is also part of that esplanade in front of the cathedral.
The other side of the reflecting pool without the water spouts
This is a guess what it is photo... I will tell you that it was taken near the cathedral.

Iron work on one of the side doors of the cathedral.
There is a lot of stone carvings in the city all cut out of sandstone in most cases and this one caught my eye.
The very top of the church spires, why did I take the picture I don't know I just did...
Some more of that sandstone craftsmanship.

I can't have a set of photos without a self portrait so here it be.
This little item are part of a wall display and they are actually made out of metal
These flowers are blooming all over the city including around a hundred of them in our yard alone but don't ask me what they are.
Last but not least a bit of iron work on one of the fences and that is all for this lot of pictures. Hope you liked a few of them. I'll be back next month to bring you 12 of 12 for October. See you then...