1 March 2008

I have not left the building...

...Contrary to popular belief, okay no one really thinks I'm gone but some people may wonder if I'm okay. Just to let everyone know I'm doing just fine. I've just been a little distracted as of late and like many of you I have found that there is little time to focus on sitting down and writing up a witty, thought-provoking post to keep each and every one of you enthralled and maybe even glued to your seat waiting for the follow up post. Besides, how many times do I write a post like that anyway? I mean really, you're usually lucky if I drag some 50 question meme out or if I look up some absurd word and post it with an esoteric quote by some dead person. I mean now that's a post. NOT...

With that said, I have been out of pocket recently as we have been up to Melbourne (we went to see Cyndi Lauper) and back a few days ago and now we have house guest for the next 5 days which will occupy even more of my/our time. I just didn't want anyone to worry. (Hi mom!) The only other exciting thing happening at this end of the world is that the carpenters have been in to measure up the cabinet space and they are finally building our new kitchen cabinets as I type. Well, there not building today as it's Saturday but you know what I mean. Hopefully within the next two weeks or so we should have the kitchen finally finished and then all we have to do is call the painter and the renovations will be complete. It's taken 3 months so far and adding the time for the cabinets to be finished it will all up be 4 months that we have been living semi-camping style. Not that I have anything against camping, in fact I like camping except I believe it is meant to be done outside in the woods by a lake and not within the confines of my home. In the end It camping or no camping will be so very nice to get my kitchen back.

Other than that nothing else is that exciting around here so maybe it is for the best that I have nothing to write as it would be like watching paint peel and you wouldn't be watching it you would be reading it, which is sort of the same thing I suppose since you need to use your eyes to do both things. I think I'm rambling so I'll put you out of your misery for now and who knows I may come up with witty story to relay or something extremely fascinating will happen while our houseguest is here and if it does I'll be sure to let you know. Oh just as a side note, it looks like autumn has arrived here in Hobart town just a little early as we have had snow on the mountain for two days and just maybe it's a sign that your spring is around the corner so hang on there.

And last but not least today marks the passing of nine years since James and I decided to make something out of our friendship and as of now nine years later I can tell you that we are still the best of friends and as an added bonus along the way we have discovered that it is very possible for two men to live together and love each other in a very real, deeply committed and caring fashion not unlike the relationships that are all around us except for the fact that those relationships consist of a man and a woman. It's not that we ever had any doubt but I just wanted to point that out because people say it's not possible and either I'm delusional and/or the past nine years never happened and even though I'm on huge amounts of pain medicine for my neuropathy and I have been known to make a few things up in my head the one thing I do know for sure is that I love James and always have and always will and no one will every be able to tell me otherwise much less take that feeling away from me just because they don't think it's normal. So here's to my husband, Happy anniversary sweetheart! I Love You!

I'm just sayin'...


Nathan said...

9 years is wonderful! Happy Anniversary to you two :) I think you're two very special guys and I'm glad you've found each other!

Ur-spo said...

happy anniversary indeed!
i like these types of posts; what seems like mundane mawkish stuff is what I call 'life' and i enjoy hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary...belatedly!