Hello blogger people, well another month has passed and as usual I have had nothing to say. So, thankfully I still have the 12 of 12 project where I can share a little part of my world with you. I don't know what I'll do when this project ends next month. I guess I'll have to think of something before January comes along.
Anyway, lets get to it shall we. As usual I have to give credit for the 12 of 12 project which was the creation of this man (aka Chad Darnell). 12 of 12 is of course a way for people from around the world to share part of their life and their world with other people from around the world. This month I once again had a little walk around my fair city and this months photos reflect little bit of the summer that we are starting to enjoy here on the flip side of the world here in the southern hemisphere. As an added bonus I'm actually going to give you a baker's dozen and add a thirteenth photo. The actual rules of the project are to take 12 photos of your day on the twelfth day of every month, but this month I just couldn't decide which last picture to get rid of so I could have an even 12. So, forgive me this one little time by allowing me to cheat just this once. With out further adieu here are this months photos. Enjoy...
We start our day/walk strolling leisurely through Hyde Park wondering just exactly where my day/walk will take me.

Now I took pictures in the past of a building, the QVB (aka Queen Victoria Building), which they turned into a shopping mall. Well outside of the building there is this little statue. This is "Islay" the beloved dog of Queen Victoria and the story of Islay is this:
Islay is a talking dog statue. He is mounted on a wishing well. It’s a sandstone circle with a bronze cage on top with a likeness of Islay made of bronze in front. Now since Islay can talk every once in a while you will hear him say: “Hello, my name is Islay. I was once the companion of the great Queen Victoria. Because of the many good deeds I have done for deaf and blind children, I have been given the power of speech.” Visitors are asked to donate coins by throwing them into the wishing well. All of the proceeds benefit deaf and blind children.

This is just a nice picture of the tower that sits on top of Sydney's original town hall I thought it looked nice looking through one of the many Jacaranda trees which are in bloom in the city at the moment. If you don't believe me about the Jacarandas then you will by the time you finish looking at my photos.

Now, this really has no significance other than I thought it was just something out of the ordinary that I would share with you. I'm almost certain that Mickey Mouse doesn't look like that if I remember correctly. Hmmm???
Summer is here in Sydney and as you can see everyone is out enjoying the weather. This photo is down at Darling Harbour which sits on the other side of the city. If you go over to the other side of the city you will find Sydney Harbour where the Opera House sits.
I don't have a panoramic lens so I can only show you part of downtown Sydney as seen from Darling Harbour. When you have a city with four million people in it plus tourist, you have to expect it to be big.
One of many fountains that are flowing freely around the city. As you can see the kids are enjoying the moment.
Here are some more of those Jacaranda's as I promised and another part of downtown which sits to the left of the other picture I showed you of downtown Sydney.

Oh look, more Jacaranda's. I can't help myself I think they are beautiful and with all of the other trees with their green leafs it's just a nice contrast, that is if you like purple.
This fierce creature is one of two that sit outside the entrance to the oriental gardens down in the city near Darling Harbour.

Okay, I promise this will be the last of the Jacaranda photos, but this one also has a fountain. :-)
These guys sit over the entrance to a pub/bar in the city called "The 3 Wise Monkeys". Nice to see that they are in to the Christmas spirit with their festive little hats.
And last but not least my number thirteen of my bakers dozen. I just thought it was interesting so I took a picture of it. If you can't guess it's the windows outside at an all day laundry.
Well, that's all I have for you this month so I hope you liked a picture or two. I can't promise that there will be a post between now and the December 12 of 12 but hey who knows maybe I'll be inspired. Take care...